Yo Ho Yo Ho A Quilter's life for me!
In 2025 I will more fully embrace my love of quilting. Today I introduced the puff quilt, a new baby quilt in the Kali Quilts custom baby quilts collection.
Don't get me wrong. I never stopped quilting. For the past two years I have been creating a monthly 'how-to' quilt project blog for an international sewing and quilting supplies company. For the past six month I have volunteered to make baby quilts at the NY Public Library's Quilt With the A Purpose program that helps the Children's Aid Society.
But I know that I have the time and ability to focus on making more custom quilts for babies. And the puff quilt this website is a great example of a traditional quilt method that I altered to be lighter and softer -- in other words perfect for baby.
Do you have a favorite type of quilt that you would like see me make? Let me know your thoughts.